At the end of July, and with the heat of summer, the vineyards of Bodegas Pinoso are tinged with endless colors, which embellish the vines and our landscapes. This phenomenon is known as veraison, and it is the transitional stage between grape growth and ripening. For several weeks the greens, reds and violets colors are the protagonists of our fields. The veraison is an ephemeral moment, since it usually lasts 1 or 2 days. Each grape variety wraps in a moment of concrete time, offering us a spectacular panoramic view of our fields.
What changes happen in the grape? The green skin pigment gives way to yellow and ocher tones in white varieties, and orange, pink, red, blue and violet tones in red varieties, mainly due to the increase in polyphenols. The stems, so far green and delicate, become lignified and more robust branches. Grape grain growth stops, and the consistency of the grapes becomes softer and more elastic. Increase sugar content and phenolic compounds, aromas accumulate, and acidity decreases.
It is the unquestionable prelude that the grape harvest is approaching, since after approximately 40 or 50 days, the grapes that our partners have cultivated with so much effort, will become our wines, full of aromas and nuances, wines to enjoy and share. It is the beginning of the countdown.